Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back to Health Basics with MRSA

We learn the Theory of Natural Selection about a decade before the first microbiology lesson. It is therefore an irony that resistant pathogens should strike at the zenith of a professional career.

MRSA is a badge of cleanliness and hygiene. You will not find this adaptive bacteria in garbage heaps. It grows where its peers cannot. Are the best hospitals doomed to be struck down by MRSA sooner or later?

Darwin had no modern infection-control agents and systems at his disposal. How many bouts of diarrhea, fever, rashes, and other illnesses must this adventurous European have encountered on his trans-continental voyages?

Make no mistake. Past times were much easier for infection-control professionals. Daily, widespread, and intense interchanges between communities and races are now facts of life. Health care provider or beneficiary, every person and everything that enters a hospital is a treasure-trove of pathogens. It is not one-way traffic. You get as good as you give. Who knows the origins and transmission-cycles of hospital-acquired infections?

SomGuard offers a comprehensive approach towards a solution. Visit this web log regularly to experience the SomGuard System of Freedom from Infectious Transfers. You can post your experiences and queries below, or email

Have an infection-free day.

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